hairycallahan's Page

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Country: United States
City: Somewhere among the Vices...
Joined: 7 years ago
Gender: Male
Relationship status: Single
Posted: 49 videos
Age: 36
Sexual orientation: Straight
Favourites: 45 videos , 1 album , 1 playlist
About me: Spent too much time on CB...accumulated too much also. I'm all for sharing some of my fave rarities from my collection here and looking for interesting rarities from others in turn. 8-) (I ONLY ever upload my own captures) Don't like the private video system personally so I probably won't be using it at all, let's all just ENJOY together! (and watch out for more of my caps :D ) I try to make a couple uploads every 1-2ish days (when I get around to picking some things out ;) ). General laziness has gotten the better of me lately but I'll try to get back into the swing of uploads soooooon (new years resolutions 2023 LAWL :P ). Lastly, feel free to friend me if you like my uploads to show some support and big thanks to all the other sharers! (since sharing IS caring after all... :angel: ) December 2024 UPDATE: I've semi-retired from camwhores for now, check out my continued uploads of original captures here though -

hairycallahan's Favourite Albums (1)

Favourites (1)